Brooklyn based graphic designer and art historian

Colorado Energy Office: Identity design and branding


The state of Colorado Energy Office needed a distinctive and memorable campaign identity for a first-of-its-kind, state-led campaign encouraging Coloradans to adopt EVs toward a 94,000 on-the-road goal by 2030. The campaign identity was to include logo development, look and feel, visual guidelines, website and social assets that would resonate with Coloradans- to ensure that, we conducted focus group research around logo, color and photography style.


Developed a flexible typographic logo mark that could be incorporated into a distinctive campaign messaging system. Researched and curated the image library, built visual guidelines and collaborated with the development team to design the campaign website. As the award-winning campaign went public, I created assets for the website and in-person events including posters, pamphlets and swag.

Tax Credit Infographic

used at all campaign touch points including web, social, and print posters for Colorado Energy offices and in-person events

Example pages from campaign visual guideline: